
For those of you who don't know, homesteading is about living off the land. I've found some awesome resources to help me along the way. Back to Basics is a wonderful book. It does have things like how to skin a rabbit, or how to butcher a pig, though. And since I'm vegan that is not helpful. Or nice to read about. Yuck.
Countryside is a wonderful 'zine with lots of info in it. They had a truckload of interesting articles. One of them was how to make a couch. The couple who wrote the article were having company over and realized they didn't have enough chairs, so they took some leftover wood, and slabs of foam and a blanket. They threw together a couch that served it's purpose. Later they fixed it up by adding a small trough so the seat would not keep sliding off, and a few other things. I really admire their ingenuity.
There's endless stuff to write about homesteading, yoga, organic food growing, veganisim, and many other things that I want to incorperate into my life, but I have to get off the web right now and do... something else. I'll fill in more later.


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