Random Randomness

I learned how to spin on Saturday, at a knitting group called the "Yarn Yankers". I can knit, and now I can spin! You know, spinning? Like on a wheel? Ooh! Like, um, what's her name? That princess or whatever, uh Sleeping Beauty, um, Briar Rose right? Okay, so I'm not all that big on princesses, but anyway, I learned how to spin on a wheel like that, and a very nice lady,(Whose name I will not put here without permission) let me borrow one of her spinning wheels so I could practice. She is extremely generous, and also let us borrow a big bag of alpaca fiber. Well, what else do you spin with? Cotton? Well, that might work, except that I was only able to grow one cotton ball off of my sickly little plant :(
You might be thinking "Why don't you just use cotton balls from Wal-Mart?" I will answer: Because they are not cotton balls, they are:
Chemicalized-Junk-Some-Poor-Delusioned-Person-Thought-Was-Cotton. Well, a lot of them are! Plus, I'm into organic, and most cotton balls that I see are FAR from organic. Organic, for those of you that don't know, means pesticide free. That is a good thing.

I also made a decision. I am going to do "Attachment Parenting" if I ever have a chance. Basically, you hold your child 24/7. They sleep in the bed with you, and everything. There are these special pouch type things, so the baby is hanging on to you, like, while you are, I don't know, doing dishes, on riding you bike, or whatever. Or in my case, writing your poetry. And working around the farm. Hm. Dangerous sounding? Yeah, farm work is a very dangerous thing. So, maybe I should keep my baby away from that? But "Daddy" and I could take turns, so it might work out. Right? Wrong?
*Grabs head and sits in universal defeated position,*
*Then comes up with brilliant idea, and sits up*

I know! No! No! No, I just lost it. But I'll tell you when I remember...
It's raining right now, and I'm glad my weensy little cactus is in the house.

You know, mom says I might publish a poem book before anything else. I don't know...
I do have a lot of poems though. Hm.
Anyway, I really need money to pull this homesteading thing off. Maybe publishing a book would be a good start? We have like two neighbors who need babysitters, but they both have happy-to-babysit-grandparents in the area. I can't exactly make over two million by selling lemon-aid. Believe me, if I could, I would. Yeah, two million. I could be totally of my gourd, but I think that is the amount I'll need to get a decent chunk of land, and have enough to do whatever fix-ups needed. And still be able to eat. Because, I'm also planting a garden as my main food source, but it will take a looong time to get decent soil around here. So Again, I might be totally crazy, but I want to be doing this by the time I turn twenty. I'm twelve. And eight years really isn't all that long to do all of this. It might seem like it, but it isn't. So if anyone has useful suggestions, be my guest.
I don't even have a garden right now.
Oh yeah, one more thing, there is a family living down the street from us, and they have horses, (We all live on one acere horse property. Personally I think that is to small for the comfort of the animal, but whatever)
and I was thinking of asking for some of the manuer for my compost. It really isn't disgusting, I promise. I'll explain about compost later, like next time I come on. I really have to get off now.



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