
Homesteading. I could daydream about it all day. I DO daydream a lot, but about a few different things. The primary ones being homesteading and Fang. (I'm obsessed with Fang. And his wings. Long story, read my other blogs.)

Anyway, I had this great salad today. It was made of red lettuce, bean, alfalfa, and clover sprouts. I put organic honey mustard dressing on it. Yeah, I am vegan, but I'm relaxed in the favor of honey. It really is very healthy, and I do my best to think of the bees when I eat it. It doesn't hurt the bees, actually they normally have more honey than they need in their hive.

So sprouts are, like, the imprints of life. No, really! Because they are brand new sprouted vegatables the energy of the sun, water ect. is still fresh. I'm also thinking about becoming a raw foodist. Incase you couldn't tell from the name that means that you eat only raw food.

I've gotta get off the web (again) now. (Again), I'll fill in more about the whole raw food thing later. I need to eat dinner. I'll probably eat a (tasty) fake hot dog on a whole wheat bun with katsup. For those of you who wonder what a vegan eats. Some people think I live off of grass. They're crazy.


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